St Mary’s Hospice provides specialised supportive and palliative care for people with life limiting conditions throughout South Cumbria.
Our facilities and services are available to adults who are facing the end of life, regardless of diagnosis, those who love and care for them and the bereaved. Patients and carers may access our holistic programmes, addressing physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs, at any stage of an illness.
We don’t just care for cancer patients, we care for an increasing number of people with conditions such as COPD, MND, Heart Disease, Renal Failure and those with complex neurological problems.
Our catchment area stretches from Barrow in the west, the home of our largest population base, to Kendal in the east. Based in Ulverston the Hospice is ideally positioned to meet the needs of all patients and their families in the locality.
Find out more about us on our hospice website.
Visit our website